What we do
The Education Committee is responsible for setting criteria for the Residency Programme, for approving the programmes and their sponsors, and for monitoring each resident's progress through the receipt of regular reports. In addition, the Education Committee is organizing activities for the education and exam preparation of residents like summer schools, e-learning events or resident workshops. The Education Committee will maintain lists of approved Residency Programmes, approved preceptors and current residents. It will document detailed requirements for Residency Programmes that are necessary for ECPHM approval.
Members of the Education Committee

Manon Houben (Chair)

Nicolas Rose

Carl Andreas Grøntvedt

Wolfgang Pendl

Annalisa Scollo

Dolf Kümmerlen
Training and Education activities
Resident summer school: Bi-annually, a resident summer school is organized which takes place in September at different locations across Europe. During the summer school residents visit a farm and focus on various aspects of pig husbandry, treatment and vaccination protocols, animal welfare, nutrition and farm data records on site. Besides, pathology lectures and practical necropsies are done to help residents diagnose relevant diseases. Problem based learning sessions are held to discuss and work-up clinical cases. Residents spent a full week with each other and also members of the education committee allowing not only professional discussions but also social networking.
- Resident workshop: Each year a resident workshop is organized which takes place prior to the ESPHM. In addition to keynote lectures given by speakers of the ESPHM keynote sessions, this workshop allows residents to present their own clinical cases. This presentation and defense of the work-up of a clinical case in front of other residents and education/exam committee members is intended to prepare residents for the oral part of the exam to become a diplomate of the ECPHM.
- E-learning events: Once a month an e-learning event is organized for residents which covers different topics relevant to porcine health management, e.g. immunology and vaccinology, epidemiology and statistics, etc.. The topics are selected and discussed within the education committee and the board of the ECPHM. Based on the topic, speakers who are known as experts in certain fields relevant to porcine health management are selected and residents get the chance to interact with them for 1.5 to 2 hours during each session.