What we do
The Credentials Committee receives, reviews, and approves credentials of persons applying for an ECPHM Residency Programme, and of those applying to sit the certifying examination. It is responsible to establish guidelines to assist applicants applying to sit the diploma examination and to communicate and align with officers and other committees of the ECPHM as required with regards to any application and the outcome of the evaluation. Furthermore, the Credentials Committee undertakes the process of re-certification of Diplomates at intervals of five years. Finally, it is the duty of the Credentials Committee to assess the suitability of Diplomates of other EBVS Colleges and/or nationally recognized specialists to advise Residents and/or deliver training within a Residency Programme.
Members of the Credentials Committee:

Julia Stadler (Chair)

Nicolas Rose

Carl Andreas Grøntvedt

Arnaud Lebret

Mirjam Arnold

Juan Hernandez-Garcia