In case you are interested to become a Diplomate, and thus a member of the ECPHM, you can read here about the requirements, the process and procedures.
Requirements to become a Diplomate
- Be licensed to practice veterinary medicine in a European country, and obtained veterinary education from an EAEVE approved establishment, unless relieved of these obligations by the Board.
- Have a good moral and ethical standing in the profession.
- Practise the specialty of Porcine Health Management for not less than 60 per cent of the professional time with at least 24 hours per week (practising, research, teaching, consulting).
- Have successfully passed the certifying Examination procedure of the ECPHM.
Currently there are four options to qualify to sit the certifying Examination, which you have to pass the Exam to become a Diplomate of the ECPHM.
Those four options are:
1. satisfactory completion of a Standard Residency Programme
2. satisfactory completion of an Alternative Residency Programme
3. being an internationally recognised specialists
4. satisfactory completion of a Modular Route to specialisation
Diplomates of the College will be required to undertake re-certification at intervals of five (5) years. Certified Diplomates of the ECPHM are entitled to present themselves as EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Porcine Health Management.
Process & Procedures
If you are interested to become a Diplomate of the ECPHM, please carefully study the Constitution & Bylaws and the Training Brochure. You may also contact the Secretary of the ECPHM ( or the Chair of the Credentials Committee ( for information and support.